전원책의 이것이 정치다 프로그램 이미지


전원책의 이것이 정치다

보수 논객 전원책 변호사가 진행하는고품격 시사 토크쇼 시즌 2
정치권의 정쟁 정략에서 벗어나 국민의 삶에 직접 영향을 주는 정책을 분석하는
살아있는 정치 비평 프로그램을 지향한다.

전원책의 이것이정치다 - 시청소감

전원책의 이것이정치다 - 시청소감
BBC News.한국대통령의 활동비는 새로운게 아니다
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2017.01.06 신*자 조회수 283
BBC News - BBC.com
Why South Korea's corruption scandal is nothing new
24 November 2016

A scandal is swirling round the South Korean president. Park Gun-hye has been accused by prosecutors of being complicit in a scheme to pressure big companies to donate millions of dollars to funds controlled by a very close friend.

In everyday life, it seems like one of the most honest countries on the planet - and yet president after president has ended up entangled in scandals over money. The cloud of corruption rarely lifts from the presidential palace.
Take the last four presidents: Kim Dae-jung (1998-2003) was himself untainted but two of his sons were jailed for taking bribes. Roh Moo-hyun (2003-2008) committed suicide after leaving office as corruption investigators closed in over allegations he accepted $6m in bribes.
Lee Myung-bak (2008-13) apologised after his elder brother was sentenced to two years in prison for accepting $500,000 from businessmen in return for influence over the government.
And now the current president, Park Gun-hye, is accused by prosecutors of being complicit in a scheme to pressure millions of dollars out of big companies.


김대중, 노무현, 이명박때도 그랬다. 지금은 마치 지구상에서가장 깨끗한 나라인듯 박근혜가 해서는 안될짓을 한것처럼 기소되었다.
한국대통령이 기업에서 돈받아서 탄핵되면 전세계가 비웃을 판이 되었죠. 이전대통령들도 그랬는데 지금 대통령은 탄핵되었다고 하면...

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